Authenticity has become a rare commodity in a time when identities are tailored for follows and likes. Join Emmy award-winning journalist Jessica Kartalija and communications strategist Melissa Grimm to learn how having a unique and genuine personal brand can further fuel success and happiness. Together, they will share strategies for developing a personal brand and telling your story in an empowering way that builds trust and brings you closer to achieving personal goals.
** This Lunch & Share event is limited to 75 attendees.
SPW Mission:
To accelerate the advancement and expand the influence of women leaders of all professions and generations, strengthen our business community, and support the region’s non-profit organizations.
For questions, please contact Vibha Agrawal at
The Main Line Chamber of Commerce Cancellation Policy:
Event cancellations must be received prior to NOON three business days before the event to receive a full refund. No-show's and late cancellations will be charged the full event price. If you would like to send a substitute, you are welcome--please contact the Chamber at 610-687-6232.